Course curriculum

    1. Define Conflict

    2. Explore Different Conflict Styles

    3. Using Different Styles

    4. Breadcrumbs I, II, & III

    1. Use Your Emotional Intelligence

    2. Analyze The Conflict

    3. Approach Conflict with Innovation

    4. Breadcrumbs IV, V, & VI

    1. Start Where You Are

    2. Use What You Have

    3. Do What You Can

    4. Breadcrumbs VII, VIII, & IX

    1. Explore Your Way Through Conflict

    2. Breadcrumbs X

    3. Thank You For Making Your Own Beautiful

    1. Courageous Conflict Road Map-Designed- RFG_2022

    2. Conflict Action Plan-Designed

    3. Lemons Into Lemonade Exercise

About this course

  • $79.97
  • 20 lessons